Qatar-returnee Pun cultivates vegetables even as ward member

July 21: Buddhibir Pun, a ward member of Annapurna Rural Municipality-7 Histan of Myagdi, is active in agriculture along with social work. 

After returning from abroad, Pun of Histan Tikot village has been cultivating commercial vegetables for the past 15 years. 

Pun, who spent five years in Qatar during his foreign employment, returned to his village and started commercial vegetable cultivation. 

After finishing the work of vegetable farming in the morning, he engages in social activities during the day. He is an exemplary farmer of the village along with social engagement.

After being elected as a ward member in the local election of 2079 BS, he has continued with social work as well as vegetable farming. 

At present, he has been cultivating fresh vegetables, including cabbage and cauliflower in 15 ropanies of land. In addition, Pun has also started kiwi farming on five ropanies of land.

“In addition to the agriculture, I have been facilitating the development of the ward and helping in other social works in the society,” said Pun.

He said that even after becoming a people’s representative, he has also expanded vegetable farming to give a positive message to the society.

According to him, he returned from Qatar seeing future in the agricultural occupation in the village. 

“When there was a trend of young people going abroad, I returned to my village from abroad and started farming. Even after being elected as a ward member, I have continued to cultivate vegetables with the help of my family,” he said.

He said that from his 15-16 years of experience in agriculture, he shared the view that farmers can earn good income from agriculture if they work hard.

He said that by selling fresh vegetables, he earned between Rs. 500,000 to Rs. 700,000 annually.

Pun said that the produced vegetables are being supplied to Beni and Pokhara.

He complained that after being a member of the ward, he was deprived of opportunities such as training, grants and equipment from the rural municipality. 

“As a commercial farmer, I have to be deprived of agricultural subsidies, equipment and other service facilities from the rural municipality because of being a people’s representative,” he said. 

He said that those who had done well in the agriculture should not be deprived of opportunities even if they are people’s representatives.

He said that there was a problem in transporting vegetables to the market because the rural roads were blocked during the rainy season. 

Around 30 families have grown vegetablse commercially in Tikot village alone being inspired from Pun’s dedication to agriculture.

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