9 June, 2020 10:28 am

A COVID-19 patient dies in Chitwan

A person suffering from COVID-19 has died at the Bharatpur Hospital here this morning. He was brought to the hospital after coronavirus infection was confirmed in him at the Narayani Community Hospital. He was being treated keeping in ventilator support at the ICU of the community hospital. The 68-year-old patient from Gurung community died due to pneumonia from coronavius at 7.5 am today, said Dr Bhoj Raj Adhikari, president of the Hospital Development Board. Dr Adhikari said the patient was brought to the Bharatpur Hospital Monday evening amidst confusion whether or not to shift him to Baratpur Hospital from the community hospital. The swab collected from this person was sent for test on Friday and the test result was received on Monday. This is the first case of death due to coronavirus in Chitwan district. He is from Samanatol of Bharatpur Metropolitan City-11. Coronavirus infection was found in 30 persons out of 310 people whose swab samples were tested for the virus at the laboratory here on Monday. —

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